Thursday, May 14, 2009

An Interesting Turn of Events

My name is Clement...but most people refer to me as Clem (and other creative nicknames but thats another story for another time). I'm currently 19 years old and a student majoring in Chemistry, hence the clever title ChemClem. This Blog is going to be an attempt at keeping track of my adventures along the Great Divide Bike Trail; A trip that will take me through 4 states, 2 countries and over 2000 miles.

This trip spawned from a lifetime of biking, a book, a dream and an unpleasant yet informative talk with my Chemistry advisor. Indeed, an interesting turn of events.

I've always loved riding bikes. From my 8" neon green/yellow bike which I rode alongside (but more often behind) my dad in the french countryside, to my 29" super advanced mountain bike with which I hope discover the west, riding a bike has always been something I enjoyed. I first got the idea of riding across America after having read the book A memory of Running; a story of a man leading a life without meaning who one day decides to ride his bike across America. After having read that book, I started myself tinkering with the idea of doing the same thing; ride from coast to coast, sea to shining sea.

Unfortunately, I was never serious about it. I was never willing to set aside a summer for such an adventure. From a summer job in '07 to an internship in '08, life always got in the way. This summer it seemed life would get in the way again, as I had signed up for 12 weeks of classes (organic chemistry!!!) which would have lasted till august, and efectively would have taken away the better part of my summer. However taking orgo in the summer was something my advisor would clearly not approve of. After the meeting, my summer plans had been totally scrapped.

I would not be taking organic chemistry as I had planned. Instead, I was once again faced with a blank slate. I decided to take a math class during the 2nd summer session, in order to make progress on my major. This left the first 6 weeks of summer free to do whatever I wanted. The idea of biking across America resurfaced, but given the time I had and the distance it would take; the trip would be a bit of a stretch. But after looking on the Internet I came upon the Great Divide Trail. It seemed possible to do in 6 weeks. It had gotten great reviews from riders, and it overall seemed to be a great experience. It may not be biking across America, but its just as amazing. With that in mind my mind was set, and the rest is histroy.

Before I leave with parting words on the eve of this trip, I need to give credit where credit is due. Without the help and support of my parents, I don't think I realistically would have been able to do this. Mom and Dad, thank you for taking care of the bike, the plane tickets, everything else in between and most of all thanks for giving me this opportunity. I love you both.

That said, I don't know what awaits me, but I am eager to find out.

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